The best things in life text for website 2020.jpg
The spot where sky meets sea, 2011. Helen Gory Galerie.
The word Lineage, 2011. Helen Gory Galerie.
The Tear, 2011. Helen Gory Galerie.
The liquid dervish dance of memory, 2011. Helen Gory Galerie.
A riff that never leaves you, 2011. Helen Gory Galerie.
A hard habit to break, 2011. Helen Gory Galerie.
The want of trying, 2011. Helen Gory Galerie.
Late, 2011. Helen Gory Galerie.
Spud, 2011. Helen Gory Galerie.
Old man apple, 2011. Helen Gory Galerie.
Thunderbolt Ridge stoner, 2011. Helen Gory Galerie.
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